Corporate Governance

Medical Advisory Committee

London Medical has an active Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) that includes representation of consultant specialties working in the clinic.

We view it as important that all specialties feel part of the advisory framework at London Medical and that there are mechanisms in place to ensure communication to and from the MAC and within each specialty.

The MAC has two main purposes: (1) overseeing, representing and advising London Medical on professional issues related to medical practitioner activities and (2) ensuring quality patient care through the clinical governance framework.

The functions of the MAC include:

I. Advise on granting practising privileges to medical applicants in line with the clinic’s policy of practising privileges.
II. Advise on the suitability of new techniques.
III. Oversee and approve the implementation of the clinic’s clinical governance and quality strategy.
IV. Management of all aspects of Clinical Governance namely:

Quality Assurance

1. Clinical Risk Management
2. Clinical 
3. Effectiveness & Audit
4. Performance Management
5. Patient Satisfaction

V. Review and monitor all clinical complaints not resolved through the complaints procedure of the clinic.
VI. Regularly review existing clinical information, out of license use of drugs and the management of medicines in the clinic.
Consider the implications, implementation and compliance with National Service Frameworks guidance from NICE, NCEPOD enquiries, and all guidance from regulatory and professional bodies, and recommending changes to practice as necessary.
Agree priorities of clinical audit and outcome measurement.
IX. Confirm that any research projects within the clinic have appropriate regulatory and ethical approval.
X. Report on Clinical Governance issues and work closely with management to improve overall quality, including advising on new services

The chairman of the MAC is Professor Howard Jacobs, Emeritus Professor of Reproductive Endocrinology, MA MD FRCP FRCOG.

Details of the constitution of the MAC are available from the General Manager ().

Clinic regulation

The Clinic is assessed regularly by the Care Quality Commission, the healthcare regulatory body and information on inspections is available on the CQC website.

Adverse Events

All adverse events and complaints are taken seriously, recorded and investigated.

Company information

London Medical is the trading name of Metabolic Services Limited.

The registered office of the company is 49 Marylebone High Street, London W1U 5HJ.

The company is registered in England, No 1837551.

VAT No 466 4598 01.

Please contact David Briggs, General Manager, for any further information on our corporate governance arrangements.

Complaints procedure

At London Medical we have a clearly defined complaints procedure which is available as a download via this link.