Cardiology Clinic

London Medical’s Cardiology Clinic provides the most up-to-date investigative cardiac procedures for patients suffering from, or at risk of, developing heart problems.

Cardiologists from the major London and UK teaching hospitals, whose practice covers all aspects of heart disease and its investigation, hold regular clinics. Expertise covers cardiac angiography and intervention e.g. balloon angioplasty and stents, heart failure, hypertension and cardiac electrical conduction disorders/rhythm disturbances and all aspects of arrhythmia care, including catheter ablation and pacemakers.

Our team of experienced cardiac nurses, ultrasound specialists and physiology technicians carry out non-invasive cardiac procedures. These range from routine ECG recording, to treadmill exercise stress tests, echocardiography, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring using the latest technology (non-cuff, non-sphygmanometry devices that utilise radial artery tonometry, including central aortic systolic pressure estimation [cASP]) and miniaturised ambulatory ECG recorders that can be worn for 24 hours or up to 14 days for the greatest clinical accuracy.

The Cardiac Clinic provides:

  • 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, by miniature radial artery tonometer device (wristwatch size), including cASP
  • 24 hrs to 28 days ECG monitoring
  • 12 lead resting ECG
  • Exercise ECG
  • Echocardiography: full trans-thoracic cardiovascular ultrasound examination available
  • Full lipid profile and risk factor assessment
  • Advanced lipid markers including lipoprotein subfractionation and particle number
  • Carotid ultrasound intima media measurements for early detection and monitoring of arteriosclerosis

Immediate result bedside testing services to measure biomarkers of heart attack include:

  • Bedside troponin T blood test to exclude heart attack
  • Bedside brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) measurement to diagnose and monitor heart failure
  • Bedside D-dimer measurement to help diagnose blood clots and pulmonary embolism

Other bedside testing includes blood clot monitoring (international normalized ratio [INR]) for patients taking anticoagulant medicines, such as Warfarin.

Our Cardiology Consultants are:

Professor Julian Halcox

Dr Oliver Segal

Dr Martin Thomas

Dr Malcolm Walker

Dr Simon Woldman

For more information about our Cardiology Clinic at London Medical, please don’t hesitate to contact us.